Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Prayer for Kenya

LORD, give your servant a discerning heart
A heart to govern your people and this great nation, Kenya
Wisdom to distinguish between right and wrong
Wisdom to rule justly

Like Solomon, our ruler is young
And our nation great and adorned
Let nations hold him in awe
For greatness and glory are yours

Give him the courage of David
And anoint him thus
Cause him to walk in righteousness
And may your glory back him up thus

Like with Moses, you have heard our cry
Strengthen his resolve oh LORD
To lead your people yonder
LORD be with him

Lose your sight not on us LORD we pray
Let not your people falter and fall
Walk us in your path
For greatness and glory are yours

Loosen the chains of injustice
And set the captives, oppressed free
Let barren lands, seas and men bear fruit
And your glory radiate throughout Kenya

All nations will hold her in awe
Marvelling at her prosperity and beauty
And all peoples shall bow before you oh LORD
For it will be your making – world without end

M Mwaila

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